How to Hail Cabs in New York

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Worst US Cities to Drive In

New York City – the greatest city in the world is always bubbling with activity. There are no dull moments and its the city that never sleeps. Are you planning to take a bite out of the sweet-savory cake that is New York? Good, that’s one of the best decisions you’ve made. It’s best to arm yourself with as much knowledge about this wonderful city as you can because one thing is certain, it’s easy to get lost in its haze of never-ending activities.

In New York, things can get a bit dicey where is concerned, that’s why it’s advisable to go with an excellent and reputable car like Fast Break Limousine. But if you choose to go with cabs, best be prepared so you are not stranded or look like a silly tourist. And as far as being prepared is concerned, you are in the right place.

Hailing a Cab

Prior to hailing a cab in New York, make sure you get on the side of the street that’s headed in the direction of your destination. The best place to stand is at the beginning of the block you’re at. This makes it easy for you to get the attention of the cabs on the cross street.

Watch out for traffic as you wait at the edge of the sidewalk. While on a busy street, make sure you’re not distracted. Best to keep your phones away. If you want to make a call, step inside the sidewalk and pay attention to traffic.

If you see a cab try not to forget yourself and wave frantically, it looks silly to an average New Yorker. And if you see a cab watch for the light on the roof. If the light is on, it means it’s occupied. If the light on the roof is off, it’s empty. The lights can be quite hard to see on a bright sunny day so you may have wait till it gets closer.

When you find a cab that is empty hail it down – a single wave of the hand is enough. Stretching your arm out in front of you will also suffice. When it approaches you, put your hand down and get in the cab.

Points to Note

There are different cabs In New York. If you’re in Manhattan use the yellow cabs. If you find yourself in Queens, the Bronx and Brooklyn, use the green cabs. Knowing the right cabs to use will save you a lot of embarrassments.

It’s worth noting that cabs in New York are quite expensive that’s why most New Yorkers use the subway.

But when people have important events to get to, where time is of the essence, they use a car company. You can make your own car reservation using this link here.

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